Listen Today we’re speaking to Alex Brueckmann from Alex is a strategy entrepreneur, author, and speaker. He built and scaled companies in Europe and Canada, and led client projects across the world. He helps
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The Chaos To Creation Confessions Podcast
Listen to the confessions of consultants, experts, entrepreneurs, thought leaders, speakers and trainers. They divulge their firsts, failures, feck ups and fight backs so you can:
- Avoid making the same stupid mistakes
- Find out what they did wrong AND what they did better the next time
- Learn how to avoid mistakes in the future
- Get an unfair advantage
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About Debbie Jenkins.
I'm Debs Jenkins, I guide smart people, experts and thought leaders to get out of the chaos in their heads and create Minimum Valuable Assets™ that their clients will love.
I am an author, coach and mentor. Find out more about me at: