July 22, 2021

Phil Ore on Chaos to Creation Confessions: Imagine if you could hack serendipity and beat the system…

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Imagine if you could hack serendipity and beat the system…

I’ve known Phil for more than 35 years, we’ve just started working together in the last year, I’m helping Phil make the most of his valuable assets by taking him through The Asset Path program.

“One of the key challenges for all businesses is how to strategically grow your network, and in turn your business. You do it by making sure the right opportunities arise through meaningful relationships. That’s how you hack serendipity.”

Phil Ore, https://www.25eight.co

He needed to manage constraints to get the book written. The most challenging his own constraint of believing he could do it. He started telling people he was a writer to break the ‘self’ constraint. Then he needed to manage time constraints.

13 years ago Phil took a business trip to Singapore for Nokia. He watched a film called The Yes Man, based on the novel by Danny Wallace. He decided to BE the Yes Man.

“I didn’t want to write a book for the sake of it, I needed to write a book that was actually truly going to help leaders.”

Phil Ore, https://www.25eight.co

Serendipity is about luck + action, or action + luck.

We’re writing a book: Hacking Serendipity – A business leader’s playbook for building a human-centred ecosystem for growth, sustainability, and fun – you can find out more at: https://hackingserendipity.academy/

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